

Welcome to Prisma Campaigns #

Prisma Campaigns is a smart marketing automation tool specifically designed for financial institutions. Its intuitive web interface, robust logic, and seamless integration with digital channels enable the acquisition of new customers and customization of customer interactions, significantly enhancing the likelihood of conversion.

What sets Prisma Campaigns apart from similar tools is its ability to capitalize on existing customer relationships by facilitating more effective and personalized communication, leveraging the information held by the bank.

To assist financial institutions in achieving greater benefits in their customer relationships, Prisma Campaigns effectively utilizes customer information to develop personalized digital marketing campaigns tailored to each customer’s reality. While these campaigns can be transmitted through multiple channels, the tool ensures that they reach customers via their preferred channels. By comprehending customers, establishing communication priorities for digital marketing campaigns, and diligently implementing them, institutions can capitalize on existing relationships, thereby maximizing benefits and profitability.

Prisma Campaigns enables both operation and management without the involvement of the information technology department (IT) since it is not always necessary to construct the primary data source from scratch. This is due to the seamless integration of Prisma Campaigns with other existing tools that hold customer information.

Main Features #

The steps mentioned above can be summarized into the essential features presented in the following image. Each phase plays a crucial role in increasing conversion rates and business profitability.

Prisma Campaigns Functional Scheme

  • Understanding entails having a clear knowledge of their current financial status, their past and present interactions with the bank, their location, and their preferred channels of communication. This process aims to leverage the knowledge we possess about the customer and continue learning from it. The information gathered is dynamic and continuously updated through the customer’s interactions with the bank and the traceability of results obtained from different digital channels. This step aims to achieve a comprehensive and accurate view of the customer’s interests, needs, and behavior.

  • Campaign prioritization campaigns involves assessing the relevance of each campaign to a specific customer at a given time, contextualized by data. It allows us to select which campaign to execute, determine the appropriate message to deliver to the customer, and choose the most effective communication channel. This enables us to deliver relevant and tailored content/messages, including information about the bank’s financial products or services, in the best possible way.

  • Executing a campaign requires ensuring personalized communication reaches the customer through multiple channels. Prisma Campaigns enables real-time monitoring of each campaign during development, allowing for necessary adjustments to increase the conversion rate before finalizing and launching the campaign.

Prisma Campaigns Sections #

Once the tool is set up, Prisma Campaigns can be accessed using any web browser through the provided installation URL. The login page presents a form where you can enter your username and password.

Login form

If you have forgotten your password, click FORGOT MY PASSWORD and follow the instructions to recover it.

Once logged in, the main menu bar will be located in the left-hand section, which you can collapse or expand by clicking on the icon displayed in the image below. Collapsing the menu bar will enlarge the area for the page content.

Prisma Campaigns Menu Bar

The following sections will explain the purpose of each menu.

Segments and Campaigns #

SEGMENTS and CAMPAIGNS allow you to create and manage customer segments and online marketing campaigns, respectively. Unlike the traditional definition of segments based solely on purchasing power, Prisma Campaigns defines segments as subsets of customers sharing common characteristics.

Orchestration and analysis #

After creating campaigns, you can use the ORCHESTRATION and ANALYSIS menus to organize the campaign execution and perform statistical analysis, respectively.

Customers #

In CUSTOMERS you can view the available information for customers, and conduct searches based on a wide variety of criteria. data source from scratch. This is due to the seamless integration of Prisma Campaigns with other existing tools that hold customer information.