
Field Types

Allowed Fields #

Prisma Campaigns allows the following list of fields and data types. Except when noted otherwise or when a specific format is required, all of them accept text as input.

To add a new field, click Add new Field in the Data Model view of the campaign configuration.

Field Types #

TypeSampleSupported Formats
AddressSome Street 2299thAny text
Birth Date2020-01-25ISO standard format (YYYY-MM-DD, MM/DD/YYYY, …)
Composite Data1234|2022-03-08|San Luis …Any data type in any order, comma separated (Pipe |, Tilde ~, Caret ^, Number Sign #, At sign @ or Tab symbol) or JSON formatted.
Full NameJohn DoeAny text
Mobile Phone+442071838750E.164
Phone (landline)+442071838750E.164
Preferred LanguageES,EN, etcAny text

Data Types #

TypeSampleSupported Formats
Booleantrue, falsetrue or false
Currency3250,5Numbers with decimals *
Date2020-01-25ISO standard format (YYYY-MM-DD, MM/DD/YYYY, …)
Decimal3250,5Numbers with decimals
Emailjohn.doe@gmail.comEmail *
Large TextLorem ipsum dolor sit amet…Any text
Number1000Integer numbers *
Password1234ABCAny text
Text1234ABCAny text *

Considerations #

Currency #

  • Requires decimal and thousand separators (the dot or the colon, based on the current locale) and the corresponding symbol. The image below illustrates a currency field where the dot and the colon have been defined as the thousand and decimal separators, respectively. Currency format

Email #

  • If Validate Domain On Import is enabled as shown in the following image, a syntactic check will be performed on all email addresses to ensure the presence of the @ sign and of at least one dot not at the beginning nor the end of the address. Email address validation

Number #

  • If Only positive is checked, only positive values will be accepted. Otherwise, negative numbers will be allowed as well. Number validation

Text #

  • Through the use of smart auto detection techniques, Prisma Campaigns will try to identify the data type associated with a given field. Based on that analysis, it is more likely that a field that contains data such as 5492657237144, 5492657606511, 5492657600332 and 5492657315912 is classified as cellphone. On the other hand, a field containing only M and F will be interpreted as customer gender, whereas if a @ and a dot are found, Prisma Campaigns will categorize it as email.