
System Limits

System Limits #

Prisma limits some of the solution’s capabilities in order to maintain the stability, availability and performance of the system.

In the following sections we introduce all the limits defined up to this moment. Have in mind that the default values presented in this page are not fixed; they might be increased or decreased according to the needs of each company and the scope of the given commercial contract. Nevertheless, the default values are sensible enough that they cope with most use cases.

Spreadsheet Imports #

Data imports are one of the most stress-heavy operations. These have to be performed in a manner that does not affect the global performance of the system. With this in mind, the following limits were defined:

  • Maximum File Size: Spreadsheets cannot weigh more than 200 MB.
  • Maximum Columns: Spreadsheets cannot have more than 50 columns.
  • Maximum Rows/Lines: Spreadsheets cannot have more than 300,000 rows/lines.

The recommended values are the following:

  • File size: Less than 100 MB.
  • Columns: No more than 20.
  • Rows: Less than 100,000.

Column Mappings #

Column mapping configuration requires uploading a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet’s size must be less than 1 MB. We recommend using a spreadsheet having no more than 10 rows for this matter.

Exports #

The following limitations apply to data exports, both manual and automatic (data sync):

  • Maximum Date Days Range: The number of days between the report’s start date and the report’s end date cannot be greater than 31 days.
  • Maximum Campaigns per Report: Exports of type Campaign Results allow to consolidate multiple campaigns in a single report. The number of campaigns cannot be greater than 10.

Additionally, Campaign Results generated in the Analysis view are available for 24 hours and then deleted. If the report is not downloaded during that period, it will have to be generated again.

Banners #

There are two limits that affect the banners’ configuration.

  • Maximum image size: 512 KB.
  • Maximum HTML Size: 50 KB. This is approximately equivalent to 50,000 characters or 10,000 words.

Emails #

Email configuration is affected by the following limits:

  • Maximum image size: 512 KB.
  • Maximum HTML Size: 50 KB. This is approximately equivalent to 50,000 characters or 10,000 words.
  • Maximum Attachment Size: The maximum size, in bytes, of a single email attachment. The default is 1 MB.

Landing Pages #

Landing Pages have the following limits:

  • Maximum image size: 512 KB.
  • Maximum HTML Size: 50 KB. This is approximately equivalent to 50,000 characters or 10,000 words.

Catalogs #

The following limits apply to Catalogs configuration:

  • Maximum File Size: Files cannot weigh more than 10 MB.
  • Maximum Columns: No more than 20 columns.
  • Maximum Rows: No more than 100,000 rows.

Leads #

There is a limit on the number of personalizations that can be defined for the channels Banners, Emails, SMS and Push Notifications. No more than 5 personalizations can be created.

Designer #

The designer also has some limits that must be considered:

  • Maximum image size: This setting is used in the Page component. Images in a funnel page cannot weigh more than 512 KB.
  • Maximum File Size: This setting belongs to the File Upload component. Files uploaded by your customers/members in the funnel cannot weigh more than 10 MB.
  • Maximum Funnel Personalizations: Funnel elements can also be personalized. The number of personalizations cannot be greater than 5.