
Campaign Flows

Campaign Flows #

A campaign flow is a sequence of actions executed over time for a set of qualifying members or customers. Often, it is used for onboarding processes after someone opens an account, and you need to present different products and information at a future date.

Difference With a Traditional Campaign #

The following are the main differences between a campaign flow and a traditional campaign. Use these guidelines to determine the right approach for each use case.

  • Campaign flows are active continuously

    Traditional campaigns usually start a funnel execution, after the customer expresses interest in the campaign, actually becoming a lead for that campaign. To accomplish this goal, campaigns are set up with different channels to reach those customers (banners, SMS, popups, etc.). The funnel will not start until the customer follows a link that points to it.

    For campaign flows, the process starts automatically for all matching customers in the selected segment. This means that the customer or member doesn’t need to express interest in order for the process to start. For this reason, campaign flows don’t have a section to configure lead generation channels.

  • Campaign flows can invoke other campaigns

    When you need to execute a sequence of steps for a new customer or member, they usually correspond to communications of existing campaigns. Campaign flows permit the selection of an existing campaign and the reuse of its configured emails, push notifications, or SMS.

    Consider, for instance, the following scenario: an outbound email campaign already exists for credit cards and another one for loans. You can create a campaign flow to invoke those two campaigns sequentially and thus reuse the configured emails for each.

  • Campaign flows can have variable delays between steps

    This allows for gradual communication over time with members or customers. For instance, sending the first communication 4 days after the process starts, and the next, 7 days after the first one.

  • A specific segment needs to be selected for campaign flows.

    Regular campaigns can be configured using Everyone so that every customer or member on the database matches. For campaign flows, a specific segment where customers qualify needs to be selected. Targeting the complete database is not possible.

  • No user interaction steps can be configured

    Whether it is messages on the screen, data capture forms, or Docusign integration, those steps need to be part of a funnel, they cannot be part of a campaign flow.

Creating a Campaign Flow #

We can create a new campaign flow by clicking New Campaign under the CAMPAIGNS menu, and then selecting Campaign Flow. The process begins, as shown in the image below, with a form where we need to provide the following information:

Creation of a new campaign

  1. Campaign Flow name

  2. Start (Starts) and end dates (Ends). After the latter, the campaign flow will no longer be active.

  3. Time zone. The default time zone is set globally in the platform configuration (Company preferences under SETTINGS). However, this can be changed to a different one according to the campaign flow target audience.

  4. Associated segments (Segments). It is possible to associate a campaign flow with one or more segments.

Once you have entered the aforementioned data, click on Create to proceed with the configuration through the Settings link. As shown below, at this stage you can edit any of the campaign flow settings - both those mentioned earlier and others, such as the communication channels to be used.

To continue the configuration, you can set up the following details:

Category & Groups / Conversion / Reset

  • Choose an existing category and/or group to define the campaign priority and the contact policy.
  • Indicate if the campaign should be shown to the customer after conversion.
  • Reset past customer interactions after a certain period of time (optional). It is important to note that all interactions can be reset, or choose between previous conversions and dismisses. Thus, subsequent communications may be sent to all customers who already have a final result in it.


  • The unsubscribe link is automatically included in all outgoing emails. From the Unsubscribe & Dismiss tab in the campaign settings you can choose the detail (the campaign, category or group in question, both, or all).
  • Select a landing page to redirect your customers when they browse to communication preferences.
  • Define whether unsubscription should be only for the channel in question or all outbound communications.

Client messages

  • Set client messages that overwrite the default values from the global configuration. For more information, please refer to the Client Messages section in this manual.

Once you have saved the campaign flow, a label with the text CAMPAIGN FLOW will appear under its name in CAMPAIGNS and ANALYSIS:

Campaign flow label

Campaign Flow Stages #

The campaign flow stages consist of two well-defined sections:

Campaign flow configuration stages

  1. Campaign Flow
  2. Export

Next, we will discuss each of them in more detail.

Campaign Flow Steps #

The campaign flow steps consist of everything that happens from the moment a person qualifies in the campaign flow segment. Regarding the campaign flow configuration layout and usage, it is very similar to the campaign funnel configuration: Flow editing area

As shown in the above image, the actions that you can perform in a campaign flow are the following:

  1. User interactions
  • CONDITION: bifurcate based on conditions
  • DELAY: Waits for a specific time
  1. Messaging
  • Cross-campaign Email
  • Cross-campaign SMS
  • Cross-campaign push notifications
  • Email
  • Push notification
  • SMS
  1. Integration
  • Export to PDF
  • Web service

Inter-Campaign Communication #

In the following image we see how to configure an email from another campaign:

New redirect funnel step

Selecting, for instance, the Cross Campaign Email action from the right panel, a properties tab appears where you can choose a campaign. Afterward, you can preview the email and optionally update it.

To receive this email when the flow executes for them, the users must qualify for the campaign beforehand. Otherwise, the email will not be sent and the process will continue.

Campaign Data #

Campaign flow data configuration works exactly the same as in a traditional campaign.

Exporting Campaign Flow Data #

The export of campaign flow data works the same as in a traditional campaign.